Major Bible Themes

This is the original version of the book which is no longer under copyright. The main difference between it and the current version is that it was edited by Dr. Walvoord, Dr. Chafer's successor at Dallas Theological Seminary, to bring each theme in line with Dr. Chafer's Systematic Theology. The current version is still under copyright and can't be made available here.
I think it's an excellent book for those who want to study a broad range of Bible doctrines but don't want to tackle an entire Systematic Theology.
The book presents 49 vital doctrines of the Scriptures, abbreviated and simplified for popular use. It includes suggestive questions on each Topic.

I think Dr. Chafer puts it best in the Introduction:

"This book is in no sense intended to be a treatise on systematic theology. In its preparation, a limited number of the most
vital and practical themes have been chosen, and an attempt has been made to adapt these brief discussions to the needs of
the untrained Christian."

The verse mouseover hyperlinks in the online version of the book will only show a few verses.  If you want to read more verses, just click on 'more' for further options.

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