Salvation – God’s Marvelous Work of Grace
This is one of Dr. Chafer’s best works. This book is a wonderful discussion on everything that’s involved in mankind’s salvation: why does mankind need salvation; what has God done to provide salvation; what does mankind need to do to avail themselves of salvation; and the fantastic grace blessings that God freely bestows in time and eternity upon the ones who do avail themselves of salvation. The only thing I’ve ever read that covers this subject in more detail is Dr. Chafer’s discussion of the subject in his Systematic Theology, the sections on soteriology and Christology.
I think Dr. Chafer puts it best in the Preface:
"The writer has hoped that this statement of God's saving grace may be adapted to the spiritual understanding of the unsaved
that they may grasp the way of salvation from these pages and so be led to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved.
It is hoped, as well, that many who have believed may find some new consolation and up-building in Christ even through this
brief unfolding of the saving grace of God."
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